Prinesh Graduates! 🎓👏🏼🎉 #Caltech2020
So, just as with the other boys, four years have flashed by, and our youngest son is now a graduate of the California Institute of technology, CalTech!
We had ~40 joining the Zoom from CA, WA, NY, Toronto, London, France, Japan & Australia and a nice cheer and toast when Prinesh’s photo came up and name was announced. We also did a small quiz about him, and his brothers roasted him appropriately, Krishan from New York and Riki super early from Melbourne Australia ❤️❤️
See the summary here: https://youtu.be/P49-u1vJgmY
We didn’t know much about CalTech when he applied in 2016, beyond the name and historic reputation (https://www.timeshighereducation.com/student/best-universities/best-universities-world#survey-answer) but he now joins a select group of ~16,000 students who have graduated CalTech since it got its current name in 1920 (https://archives.caltech.edu/about/fastfacts.html)
As with every other graduate in 2020, the ceremony was held virtually, and poor Prinesh had to spend a whole morning not playing video games so he could Star in the Global zoom call that we organized for the ceremony.
A couple of weeks earlier, he received his cap and gown, and belatedly told us that he had to submit his graduation photo the next day. We had invited our friend Karin over, and decided to find a suitable location nearby and take photos during the “golden hour”. Thankfully, instead of trying to race up to La Jolla, we remembered the Balboa Park Rose 🌹 Garden should be looking pretty nice, and raced up there, with cap and gown and mask, to take lots of photographs as Prinesh blinked and squinted into the setting sun! Karin took some of the prize winning pictures, and Prinesh patiently post with us all in different settings, only looking slightly uncomfortable 😣